Selected researchers and healthcare providers with whom we frequently collaborate are listed below; however, our research scope is not limited to the areas outlined here. If you are interested in working with our patient-centered research group, please contact Dr. Olayinka O. Shiyanbola.


Daniel Bolt, PhD

Professor, UW–Madison Department of Educational Psychology

Edwin B Fisher, PhD

Professor Department of Health Behavior, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Global Director, Peers for Progress

Jonas Lee, MD

Associate Professor, UW–Madison School of Medicine and Public Health

Jane Mahoney, MD

Professor of Medicine, UW-Madison Director of the Community-Academic Aging Resource Network (CAARN) ICTR Director of Dissemination and Implementation Resources

Mariétou Ouayogodé, PhD

Assistant Professor of Population Health Sciences, Health Economist UW-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health

Megan Piper, PhD

Professor in the Division of General Internal Medicine within the UW-Madison Department of Medicine

Lisa K Sharp, PhD

Professor, Associate Dean for Research Department of Biobehavioral Nursing Science,University of Illinois at Chicago

Elizabeth Unni, BPharm, MBA, PhD

Associate Professor and Chair, Social, Behavioral and Administrative Sciences Department, Touro College of Pharmacy

Corrine Voils, PhD

Professor of Medicine, Director, The Wisconsin Surgical Outcomes Research Program

Denise L. Walbrandt Pigarelli, PharmD, BC-ADM, RPh

Associate Professor (CHS), UW–Madison School of Pharmacy

Earlise Ward, PhD

Professor, UW–Madison School of Medicine