Overview & Rationale

At the heart of all effective teamwork is a trusting relationship between the coach and the team. Modules 1 through 4 provide an orientation to this coaching relationship and include tools and strategies for building and sustaining team trust.

Module 1: Definitions

What is effective coaching? How is it different from supervising or mentoring? Why is team functioning so critical to ensuring quality? Module 1 explores the core elements of coaching and sets the stage for the remaining modules.

Quiet Coaching Module 1 – Definitions
Duration 23:17


  • Quiet Coaching Assessment Tool (PDF) (Word)
Module 2: Retreat (Part 1)

Building a strong team requires experiences that support a positive orientation toward change. Module 2 explores concepts and tools that help us to step back from the day-to-day activities in order to promote team connections and a felt sense of urgency that leads to action.

Quiet Coaching Module 2 – Retreat (Part 1)
Duration 16:57


Module 3: Retreat (Part 2)

Why do we do what we do? What are the core values that drive our actions? Module 3 builds upon our understanding of retreats with tools that can support reflection on the meaning and purpose of our work.

Quiet Coaching Module 3 – Retreat (Part 2)
Duration 15:33


  • Value Alignment: Taking STOC (PDF) (Word)
  • Know Your Culture (PDF) (Word)
Module 4: Empathy

Do we understand our team members? Module 4 defines empathy and provides tools and frameworks to better appreciate the experience of members of our team.

Quiet Coaching Module 4 – Empathy
Duration 25:00


Quiet Coaching Modules