Other workflow changes occur after the naltrexone has been injected. Community pharmacist offering an injectable naltrexone service identified three post-injection best practice activities: (1) patient follow-up, (2) administrative documentation, and (3) billing. A description and best practice activities are described below.
Of the community pharmacies offering injectable naltrexone services, 75% reported providing patient follow-up for both new and returning patients. The activities, which are a shared responsibility between the pharmacist and pharmacy technician, include providing educational resources to patients about potential adverse events and scheduling the follow-up appointment. If a patient needs proof of service (e.g., for drug court), an additional activity will involve providing documentation.
Approximately 90% of the community pharmacies offering injectable naltrexone services reported completing administrative documentation related to the delivery of a naltrexone injection for both new and returning patients. It is a shared responsibility between the pharmacist and the pharmacy technician. Such activities include, but are not limited to, completing all paperwork, documenting injection administration (e.g., when and where on the body), documenting the injection in the pharmacy system, and sending confirmation to the prescriber.
Of the community pharmacies offering injectable naltrexone services, 75% report completing billing activities related to the provision of a naltrexone injection for both new and returning patients. Billing activities can relate to such services as urine drug testing and the injection and/or dispensing fee and are typically performed by the pharmacy technician.