All Publications
Gilson, A. M., Xiong, K. Z., Stone, J. A., Jacobson, N., & Chui, M. A. (2021). A pharmacy-based intervention to improve safe over-the-counter medication use in older adults.
Research in social & administrative pharmacy : RSAP,
17(3), 578–587.
Zhang, Z., Guo, L., Lu, X., Zhang, C., Huang, L., Wang, X., Duan, F., Liang, H., Chen, P., Zeng, L., Shao, J., Li, H., Li, L., Liu, L., Li, C., Zhang, J., Ma, C. Y., Kwan, K. Y., Liu, W., Xu, Y., … Lian, Q. (2021). Clinical analysis and pluripotent stem cells-based model reveal possible impacts of ACE2 and lung progenitor cells on infants vulnerable to COVID-19.
11(5), 2170–2181.
Chair, G. K., Bacci, J. L., Chui, M. A., Farley, J., Gannett, P. M., Holstad, S. G., Livet, M., & Farrell, D. (2020). Implementation Science to Advance Practice and Curricular Transformation: Report of the 2019-2020 AACP Research and Graduate Affairs Committee.
American journal of pharmaceutical education,
84(10), ajpe848204.
Watterson, T. L., Look, K. A., Steege, L., & Chui, M. A. (2020). Operationalizing occupational fatigue in pharmacists: An exploratory factor analysis.
Research in social & administrative pharmacy : RSAP, S1551-7411(20)31111-6. Advance online publication.
Shah, S., Gilson, A. M., Jacobson, N., Reddy, A., Stone, J. A., & Chui, M. A. (2020). Understanding the Factors Influencing Older Adults' Decision-Making about Their Use of Over-The-Counter Medications-A Scenario-Based Approach.
Pharmacy (Basel, Switzerland),
8(3), 175.
Abebe, E., Scanlon, M. C., Lee, K. J., & Chui, M. A. (2020). What do family caregivers do when managing medications for their children with medical complexity?.
Applied ergonomics,
87, 103108.
Duan, F., Guo, L., Yang, L., Han, Y., Thakur, A., Nilsson-Payant, B. E., Wang, P., Zhang, Z., Ma, C. Y., Zhou, X., Han, T., Zhang, T., Wang, X., Xu, D., Duan, X., Xiang, J., Tse, H. F., Liao, C., Luo, W., Huang, F. P., … Chen, H. J. (2020). Modeling COVID-19 with Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cells Reveals Synergistic Effects of Anti-inflammatory Macrophages with ACE2 Inhibition Against SARS-CoV-2.
Research square,
Stone, J. A., Phelan, C. H., Holden, R. J., Jacobson, N., & Chui, M. A. (2020). A pilot study of decision factors influencing over-the-counter medication selection and use by older adults.
Research in social & administrative pharmacy : RSAP,
16(8), 1117–1120.
Gernant, S. A., Bacci, J. L., Upton, C., Ferreri, S. P., McGrath, S., Chui, M. A., Rickles, N. M., & Smith, M. (2020). Three opportunities for standardization: A literature review of the variation among pharmacists' patient care services terminology.
Research in social & administrative pharmacy : RSAP,
16(6), 766–775.