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Alamer, K. A., Holden, R. J., Chui, M. A., Stone, J. A., & Campbell, N. L. (2024). Home medication inventory method to assess over-the-counter (OTC) medication possession and use: A pilot study on the feasibility of in-person and remote modalities with older adults. Research in social & administrative pharmacy : RSAP, S1551-7411(24)00017-2. Advance online publication.
Jolliff, A., Coller, R. J., Kearney, H., Warner, G., Feinstein, J. A., Chui, M. A., O'Brien, S., Willey, M., Katz, B., Bach, T. D., & Werner, N. E. (2024). An mHealth Design to Promote Medication Safety in Children with Medical Complexity. Applied clinical informatics, 15(1), 45–54.
Watterson, T. L., Stone, J. A., Kleinschmidt, P. C., & Chui, M. A. (2023). CancelRx case study: implications for clinic and community pharmacy work systems. BMC health services research, 23(1), 1360.
Portillo, E. C., Maurer, M. A., Kettner, J. T., Bhardwaj, S. D., Zhang, Z., Sedgwick, C., Gilson, A. M., Stone, J. A., Jacobson, N., Hennessy-Garza, R., Will, S., McFarland, M. S., Ourth, H., & Chui, M. A. (2023). Applying RE-AIM to examine the impact of an implementation facilitation package to scale up a program for Veterans with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Implementation science communications, 4(1), 143.
Lehnbom, E. C., Berbakov, M. E., Hoffins, E. L., Moon, J., Welch, L., & Chui, M. A. (2023). Elevating Safe Use of Over-The-Counter Medications in Older Adults: A Narrative Review of Pharmacy Involved Interventions and Recommendations for Improvement. Drugs & aging, 40(7), 621–632.
Watterson, T. L., & Chui, M. A. (2023). Subjective Perceptions of Occupational Fatigue in Community Pharmacists. Pharmacy (Basel, Switzerland), 11(3), 84.