Our paper entitled “Prolonged Blood Circulation and Enhanced Tumor Accumulation of Folate-Targeted Dendrimer-Polymer Hybrid Nanoparticles” is being accepted for publication by the Journal of Controlled Release! The authors are Suhair, Jason, Daniel, Dr. Burdette and Dr. Hong. Congratulations!
Our paper (Yang et al) published in Advanced Functional Materials is highlighted as Frontispiece by the journal!
Dr. Hong travels to Asia to give a series of invited talks.
He gives a keynote speech at the 2014 International Conference on Mechanics and Materials Engineering (ICMME), held in Xi’an, China. He also visits and gives invited seminars at POSTECH in Pohang, Korea; Donghua University in Shanghai, China; and Nanyang Technological University and National University of Singapore in Singapore.
Three of our undergraduate student researchers, Ashley, Matt, and Kevin, are selected to receive Honors College Undergraduate Research Grants!
This is a remarkable achievement of our young group members, congratulations!
On the UIC ‘sCollege of Pharmacy Research Day, the Hong group members are recognized for their excellece in research and academic achievement.
Ryan is the recipient of von Doren Scholar Award, and Jason receives the AAPS Student Choice Award and the First Place of the OTM Innovation Awards. Hao-jui received the First Place Poster Award in the Predoctoral category. Congratulations to all! Go Hong lab!
Our review paper entitled “Understanding Nano-Bio Interactions to Improve Nanocarriers for Drug Delivery” has been accepted and is now in press by MRS Bulletin.
The authors are Ryan, Hao-jui, Jason, and Dr. Hong. Congratulations!
Our recent graduate Dr. Suhair Sunoqrot is appointed as Assistant Professor at Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan. Congratulations Suhair!
Our paper entitled “Targeting of Follicle Stimulating Hormone Peptide-conjugated Dendrimers to Ovarian Cancer Cells” is accepted for publication by Nanoscale!
This is the first paper from the collaboration between the Burdette and the Hong labs. The authors areDimple, Suhair, Jason, Dan, and the co-corresponding authors Dr. Hong and Dr. Burdette. Congratulations!
Our paper entitled “Dendron-based Micelles for Topical Delivery of Endoxifen: A potential chemo-preventive medicine for breast cancer” is accepted for publication by Advanced Functional Materials!
The authors are the first author Yang, Ryan, Oukseub, Dr. Chatterton, Dr. Khan, and Dr. Hong. Congratulations!
Dr. Hong joins the EU-US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium co-hosted by National Academy of Engineering (NAE) and National Academies of the Technologies of France (NATF) held in Chantilly, FRANCE.
He is among only 60 engineers under the age of 45 who are invited by NAE and NATF.