Dr. Hong visits Korea and China, giving in total of 8 invited talks at IBEC 2014, Chunnam National University, Yonsei University, Korea University of Science and Technology, KAIST, KIST, Donghua University, and Amway China.
Dr. Hong joins N.I.C.E. Meeting held in Nice, France to give a talk related to our biomimetic approaches for effective capture and isolation of circulating tumor cells.
Dr. Hong visits the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to give a seminar at the Radiation Oncology Department.
Our paper entitled “Poly(ethylene glycol) Corona Chain Length Controls End-Group-Dependent Cell Interactions of Dendron Micelles” is accepted for publication in Macromolecules!
The authors are the first author Hao-jui, Soumyo, Ryan, Sayam, Dr. Kral, and Dr. Hong. This is the 50th paper published by Dr. Hong. Congratulations!
Ryan successfully defends his PhD disseration, becoming the 4th PhD from the group. Congratulations, Dr. Pearson!!!
Dr. Hong promotes to Associate Professor with Indefinite Tenure. He is also appointed as Director of Graduate Eduation for the College of Pharmacy. Congratulations!
NSF supports our hybrid nanoparticle project for next three years!
Dr. Hong delivers a featured invited talk at The 46th Pharmaceutics Graduate Student Research Meeting (PGSRM) held in Chicago hosted by UIC College of Pharmacy.
Dr. Hong Y. Cho from Carnegie Mellon University joins our lab as a Postdoctoral Associate
He recently finished his PhD working with Prof. Krzysztof Matyjaszewski in the Chemistry Department of CMU. Welcome Dr. Cho!
Our paper entitled “Differential Detection of Tumor Cells using A Combination of Cell Rolling, Multivalent Binding, and Multiple Antibodies” is being accepted for publication by Analytical Chemistry! The authors are Ja Hye, Khyati, Dr. Chen, Dr. Molokie, and Dr. Hong. Congratulations!