Dr. Hong gives a featured talk about our CTC technology at the USPOT site visit to UIC.
Our review paper entitled “Tweaking Dendrimers and Dendritic Nanoparticles for Controlled Nano-bio Interactions: Potential Nanocarriers for Improved Cancer Targeting” is accepted for publication by Journal of Drug Targeting.
The paper will appear in a special issue honoring Prof. Robert Langer who receives the life time achievement award from the journal. The authors are the first author Jason, Hao-jui, and Dr. Hong. Congratulations!
Jeeho is back to join the lab over the summer. Jeeho, our former high school researcher, is now a rising sophomore at the University of Michigan. Welcome back!
Dr. Hong joins ASME Nanoscience Coference held in Minneapolis, MN, to give an invited talk and to chair a “Targeted Drug Delivery” session.
The spin-off company from the lab, Capio Biosciences, Inc. is highlihgted by the OVCR office of the university!
Dr. Hong visits the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s NanoMedicine Center, delivering a center seminar on our research topics: Drug Delivery and Tumor Cell capturing using dendritic nanomaterials.
Dr. Hong visits India, joining two conferences in New Delhi and Chandigargh.
He is one of the invited speakers for the Indo-US NanoEngineering Workshop held at AIIMS in New Dehli and the NanoScience and Engineering Conference held in Chandigargh. He also participates in a forum discussing future directions of the research strategy with Dr. K. VijayRaghavan, the Secretary of Department of Biotechnology of Indian Government.