The Hong lab welcomes undergraduate researchers Juae Kim from Ewha Womans University, Minji Jung from Yonsei University, Angie Chun from Yonsei University, and Vedant Bodke from the UW-Madison College of Engineering.
Jason wins an award for a poster presented at the Pharmaceutics Graduate Student Research Meeting in Ann Arbor.
Dr. Hong presents an invited colloquium talk in a series of global tech entrepreneurship at Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea
Dr. Hong gives invited talks at the Chunnam National University Medical School, Gwangju, Korea and in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea
Dr. Hong visits National University of Singapore (NUS), presenting an invited seminar in its Pharmacy department.
The laboratory presents four posters for the Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Day. Ashita was awarded second place for presenting “A Novel Exosome-Dendrimer-Magnetic Nanoparticle Hybrid System for Cancer Cell Targeting.”
The Hong lab is officially moved to UW-Madison School of Pharmacy and Dr. Hong joins its faculty as Professor.
Our paper entitlted “Eradication of acute myeloid leukemia with FLT3 ligand-targeted miR-150 nanoparticles” is published by Cancer Research.
This is our 2nd paper coming out of the collaboration with Dr. Chen group. Members of our group, Jason (co-first author), Yang, and Dr. Hong (co-corresponding author), co-authored this exciting paper!
Our paper entitlted “Tuninig the Selectivity of Dendron Micelles through Variations for the Poly(ethylene glycol) Corona” is accepted for publication by ACS Nano!
The authors are Ryan, Soumyo, Hao-jui, Matt, Marilyn, Dr. Kral, and Dr. Hong.
Jason receives 2016 AAPS Graduate Fellowship that is given to only 4 Pharmaceutical Science students in the US. Congratulations!