Dr. Hong is selected as a recipient of the prestigious Vahlteich Award from the University of Illinois College of Pharmacy.
The cash prize will be used to support the lab’s current effort on developing “a biomimetic multivalent dendron-based novel nanocarrier for cancer targeting”
Suhair is awarded for 2010 Chancellor’s Supplemental Fellowship. Congratulations Suhair!
National Science Foundation (NSF) supports our CTC project for the next three years!
Ja Hye passes her prelim, becoming the first PhD candidate of the grooup! Congratulations Ja Hye!
Two bright IMSA students Daniel Pak and Tiffany Sinclair join the lab through the IMSA SIR program. The lab has participated the program since 2008.
Ryan Pearson joins the lab as a 1st year rotation student. He received his BS Magna Cum Laude from Chemical Engineering at UIC. Welcome Ryan!
Dr. Su-Eon Jin who is holding a prestigious KRF fellowship joins our group as a Postdoctoral Fellow after receiving her PhD from Seoul National University, Korea. Welcome Dr. Jin!
The Hong lab participates in an NIH-funded contract in collaboration with Prof. Alex Lyubimov in the College of Medicine at UIC.
This project seeks a new nanotechnology-based formulation method to increase oral bioavailability of anti-cancer drugs.
Welcome Dr. Jin Woo Bae who joins the lab as a Postdoctoral Associate after receiving his PhD from Ajou University in Korea.
Two talented UIC undergrads Maira Dawood and Sayam Uddin join the lab for summer research opportunities!