Identifying Pharmacist Barriers to Helping Older Adults Select Safe OTC Medications
Study Title
Appropriate Over-the-counter Medication Use in the Older Adult: Pharmacists’ Role in Reducing Harm
Award by the UW School of Pharmacy Research Innovations, 2010
- Objective: Decrease inappropriate OTC medication use in a rapidly expanding and particularly vulnerable patient population.
- Aim 1: Document the nature and extent of information, advice, and counseling by community pharmacists to older adults and their caregivers about potentially inappropriate OTC medications.
- Aim 2: Characterize barriers and facilitators to providing OTC medication recommendations.
Collaborators and Stakeholders
- School of Pharmacy: Michelle Chui, Joshua Thorpe, Beth A. Martin
- UW Survey Center: Kenneth D. Croes
Funding Timeline
July 2010 – June 2012
Associated Publications & Presentations
Identifying Older Adult barriers to Helping Older Adults Select Safe OTC Medications
Study Title
Exploring Over the Counter Medication Safety in Older Adults
Award by the UW Institute for Clinical and Translational Research, 2014
- Objective: Prevent medication misuse in a particularly vulnerable and growing older adult population.
- Aim 1: Describe factors that contribute to how older adults currently select OTC medications from the patient’s perspective.
- Aim 2: Conduct a diagnostic analysis to refine the elements of an innovative collaborative pharmacist-patient intervention.
Collaborators and Stakeholders
- School of Pharmacy: Michelle Chui (PI), Jamie Stone (Associate Researcher)
- ShopKo: Ken Walker
- WI Dept. of Veteran Affairs: Cynthia Phelan (Co-I), Lauren Welch (Co-I)
- Oregon Area Senior Center: Alison Koelsch
- Supporting Active Independent Lives (SAIL): Ann Albert
- Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin: Sarah Sorum
Funding Timeline
October 2014 – June 2016
Associated Publications & Presentations