This project aims to develop a set of resources that rural health systems can use to design, implement and evaluate opioid stewardship programs that leverage the electronic health record. This project developed from the successful collaboration between SoP and pharmacy leadership from Fort HealthCare (FHC) in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin and the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin. Over the past two years, FHC has implemented extensive opioid stewardship initiatives, centered around an electronic health record clinical decision support tool. Building on the lessons learned from FHC’s experience, we will develop and disseminate a toolkit of “how-to” modules to help health systems design, implement and evaluate opioid stewardship initiatives. Ultimately, the goal is to disseminate the toolkit through PSW channels and a new website linked with PearlRx, to make it available for rural health systems and communities throughout Wisconsin to optimize their opioid stewardship initiatives.
The following specific aims support this goal:
To date, we have engaged with pharmacists from several health systems throughout Wisconsin which serve rural areas of the state (see Figure 1). We have elicited valuable information about what opioids stewardship activities they are currently implementing and what the barriers and facilitators are to expanding the opioid stewardship efforts.