All Publications
McCulloch, M. W., Bugni, T. S., Concepcion, G. P., Coombs, G. S., Harper, M. K., Kaur, S., Mangalindan, G. C., Mutizwa, M. M., Veltri, C. A., Virshup, D. M., & Ireland, C. M. (2009). Carteriosulfonic acids A-C, GSK-3beta inhibitors from a Carteriospongia sp.
Journal of natural products,
72(9), 1651–1656.
Whitson, E. L., Bugni, T. S., Chockalingam, P. S., Concepcion, G. P., Feng, X., Jin, G., Harper, M. K., Mangalindan, G. C., McDonald, L. A., & Ireland, C. M. (2009). Fibrosterol sulfates from the Philippine sponge Lissodendoryx (Acanthodoryx) fibrosa: sterol dimers that inhibit PKCzeta.
The Journal of organic chemistry,
74(16), 5902–5908.
Bugni, T. S., Andjelic, C. D., Pole, A. R., Rai, P., Ireland, C. M., & Barrows, L. R. (2009). Biologically active components of a Papua New Guinea analgesic and anti-inflammatory lichen preparation.
80(5), 270–273.
McCulloch, M. W., Coombs, G. S., Banerjee, N., Bugni, T. S., Cannon, K. M., Harper, M. K., Veltri, C. A., Virshup, D. M., & Ireland, C. M. (2009). Psammaplin A as a general activator of cell-based signaling assays via HDAC inhibition and studies on some bromotyrosine derivatives.
Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry,
17(6), 2189–2198.
Whitson, E. L., Ratnayake, A. S., Bugni, T. S., Harper, M. K., & Ireland, C. M. (2009). Isolation, structure elucidation, and synthesis of eudistomides A and B, lipopeptides from a Fijian ascidian Eudistoma sp.
The Journal of organic chemistry,
74(3), 1156–1162.
Noro, J. C., Barrows, L. R., Gideon, O. G., Ireland, C. M., Koch, M., Matainaho, T., Piskaut, P., Pond, C. D., & Bugni, T. S. (2008). Tetrahdroxysqualene from Rhus taitensis shows antimycobacterial activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Journal of natural products,
71(9), 1623–1624.
Whitson, E. L., Bugni, T. S., Chockalingam, P. S., Concepcion, G. P., Harper, M. K., He, M., Hooper, J. N., Mangalindan, G. C., Ritacco, F., & Ireland, C. M. (2008). Spheciosterol sulfates, PKCzeta inhibitors from a philippine sponge Spheciospongia sp.
Journal of natural products,
71(7), 1213–1217.
Bugni, T. S., Harper, M. K., McCulloch, M. W., Reppart, J., & Ireland, C. M. (2008). Fractionated marine invertebrate extract libraries for drug discovery.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland),
13(6), 1372–1383.
Bugni, T. S., Richards, B., Bhoite, L., Cimbora, D., Harper, M. K., & Ireland, C. M. (2008). Marine natural product libraries for high-throughput screening and rapid drug discovery.
Journal of natural products,
71(6), 1095–1098.
Mohammed, K. A., Jadulco, R. C., Bugni, T. S., Harper, M. K., Sturdy, M., & Ireland, C. M. (2008). Strongylophorines: natural product inhibitors of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 transcriptional pathway.
Journal of medicinal chemistry,
51(5), 1402–1405.