School of Pharmacy Professor Joseph Wiederholt, Dean August Lemberger, and UW Political Science Professor William Young (Oscar Rennebohm Foundation) discuss establishing research center in Social and Administrative Sciences (SAS) division to honor John L. Sonderegger.
Sonderegger Research Center (SRC) is established with funding from Rennebohm Foundation, becoming the first center in the nation focused on health services research in pharmacy.
- Betty Chewning is appointed Director.
- SRC is formally recognized as a UW-Madison research center.
Inaugural SRC Administrative Board Members:
- Robert Hammel, PhD, SAS division
- David Kreling, PhD, SAS division
- August Lemberger, PhD, SoP Dean
- Jeanine Kerl Mount, PhD, SAS division
- Bonnie Svarstad, PhD, SAS division
- Joseph Wiederholt, PhD, SAS division
- Betty Chewning, PhD, SAS division
First report describing research projects, administrative board member bios, and publications/ presentations is published
SRC establishes Dissertator Award program to assist SAS graduate students with proposal development, and funding of dissertator research.
- SRC moves to 2,385 square ft center in the new School of Pharmacy, Rennebohm Hall.
- SRC mourns loss of Joe Wiederholt.
- SRC publishes 2001 report.
SRC becomes core resource of UW Institute for Clinical and Translational Research – Community-Academic Partnerships (ICTR-CAP).
- SRC celebrates 25th Anniversary
Over $10 million in grant funding received in first 25 years – (details presented in the 2010 Report). - Symposium and reception is held in November.
- SRC mourns loss of August Lemberger.
PEARLRx (Pharmacy Practice Enhancement and Action Research Link), a practice-based network of Wisconsin pharmacists is established. SRC researchers collaborate with School of Pharmacy Preceptor Director Marty Kieser to invite pharmacists at preceptor sites to join. A range of practice site types are included (community, outpatient, inpatient, etc.).
First Lemberger Report is published, in honor of August Lemberger. The report provides information and insights related to pharmacy and public health in Wisconsin, in keeping with the Wisconsin Idea.
Mini Symposium: “Scanning the Healthcare Horizon: Pharmacy’s Pivotal Role” features Jon Schommer, PhD, University of MN
2012 Mini Symposium: “Evolving Pharmacist Roles”
- “Pharmacists Indispensable to Team Based Care” Elizabeth Chester, PharmD, MPH, FCCP, BCPS, Kaiser Permanente, CO
- “Retooling the Pharmacist’s Role in Improving Health Outcomes & Reducing Health Care Costs” Kathy Skibinski and Kari Trapskin, Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin
2013 Rennebohm Lecture Series:
- “From Zero to Hero – Europe’s 30 Year Journey in Consumer Medicines Information” – Theo Raynor, PhD, University of Leeds, England, 2013 Rennebohm Lecturer
- “To Be or Not to Be Taken? – Are the Consequences of Patient Empowerment All Good?” – Theo Raynor, PhD, University of Leeds, England, 2013 Rennebohm Lecturer
- “How Can Pharmacy and Other Providers Empower Patients in Medication Management?” – Betsy Sleath, PhD, UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy
Mini Symposium: “Improving Care Transitions: Medication Communication Across Systems and Patients”
- “The Need for Pharmacists During Transitions: Education and Medication Reconciliation” Korey Kennelty, PharmD, PhD, Wm. S. Middleton VA and UW-Madison School of Pharmacy
- “The Hospital in Action: Breaking Down Barriers Across Systems” Michelle Thoma, PharmD, BCACP, UW Hospital and Clinics
- “PSW in Action: Statewide Initiatives to Improve Transitions in Care” Kathy Skibinski, RPh, MS and Kari Trapskin, PharmD, Pharmacy Society of WI
- “Community Pharmacy in Action: Improving Care Transitions” Alex Berce, PharmD, Kenosha Good Value Pharmacy
- “Next Steps in Research and Evaluation” Tosha Wetterneck, MD, MS, FACP, SFH, UW School of Medicine & Public Health
SRC celebrates 30th Anniversary.
Mini Symposium: “Leveraging Partnerships to Grow Pharmacy Roles”
- WPQC: PSW Partnership – Kari Trapskin, PharmD, Pharmacy Society of WI
- Med Wise Study: Patient Partnership – Beth Martin, RPh, PhD, UW-Madison School of Pharmacy
- Referral Study: Physician Partnership – Dave Kreling, RPh, PhD, UW-Madison School of Pharmacy
- VAX Study: WI Immunization Registry Partnership – Cameron Cech, DPH 4, UW-Madison School of Pharmacy
Second Lemberger Report is published.
SRC Executive Committee is formed, with broad representation that will guide the research agenda and provide perspective from academic and practice settings. Committee members are:
- Michelle Chui, PhD, SAS Division
- SRC Director Dave Mott, PhD, SAS Division
- Barry Gidal, PharmD, Pharmacy Practice Division
- Paul Smith MD, UW–Madison Department of Family Medicine
- Duane Kirking, PhD, SoP Board of Visitors
- Mohammad Kharbat, MBA, RPh, Regional Director, Pharmacy Services, SSM Health of WI
- Patrick Cory PharmD, Program Director, Pharmacy Benefit Management Services, Quartz
SRC is renamed Sonderegger Research Center for Improved Medication Outcomes to reflect focus on research to improve overall value of the health care system.
SRC space is remodeled to include two conference rooms to facilitate collaboration and project team meetings. State of the art teleconferencing technology is installed.
PEARLRx partners with the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin (PSW) to offer PEARLRx membership to pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and student pharmacists who are PSW members.