The University of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy’s Academic Planning Council (APC) operates in accordance with Policies & Procedures and Faculty Legislation. The APC advises the dean on school programs and budgetary planning. This includes:
- The dean shall consult with the academic planning council, and the academic planning council shall advise the dean in developing strategic plans and long-range planning for the school or college.
- The dean shall consult with the academic planning council, and the academic planning council shall advise the dean on program decisions likely to affect promotions to tenure or nonrenewal of probationary faculty appointments.
- The council may consider any other factors relevant to the capacity of the school or college to fulfill its mission
- At intervals which shall not exceed five years, the elected faculty members of each council shall review its structure and functions to assess its effectiveness as a faculty voice and its compliance with Faculty Policies and Procedures. The self-study report shall be submitted to the dean, the faculty of the school or college, and to the University Committee.
When advising the dean, the council shall give appropriate weight to:
- The anticipated responsibilities of the department and of the school or college for teaching, research, and public service of high quality;
- Existing and potential budgetary commitments in relation to present and anticipated resources of the school;
- The effect of the proposed program decision in strengthening the capacity of the school or college to carry out its mission;
- The goals of the university’s affirmative action programs.
Approval by Additional Governance Bodies
Some proposals approved by the SoP APC require additional approval by the University Academic Planning Council and/or the Graduate Faculty Executive Committee.
Learn more about SoP Committees.