We have identified several housing opportunities for you while in Oman. The accommodations near the hospital are student-centered, one room dormitories. Staying close to the hospital will keep your costs down (free transportation, minus the cost of a good pair of shoes). Options further out from the hospital are more expensive and will require a taxi ride to the hospital.

The rotation in Oman is based in a large tertiary, acute care hospital. As part of the interdisciplinary team, you will work closely with a pharmacist preceptor to provide medication education to patients and staff, and collaborate on current research projects.
Educational experiences include comparing and contrasting health care systems, observing clinical pharmacy practice in the context of another health care system and culture, and improving oral and written communication skills.
While you are there, take time to explore the rich geographic and cultural history of Oman by experiencing the diversity of the deserts, gazing upon majestic mountains, and splashing in the Arabian Sea. In the city, walk among historic mosques, temples and churches; and expand your knowledge by strolling through one of the many museums. When you find you are hungry, sample the homemade rukhal, tasty bread made fresh to accompany meals, or savor a freshly picked delicious date. Quench your thirst with juices made fresh from fruits you have yet to discover.
Cost can vary, depending on the housing option that students choose. Food is generally much less expensive compared to the U.S.