Welcome to the UW–Madison School of Pharmacy! It is my privilege to serve as dean for this amazing school and the collection of faculty, staff, students, and alumni that make up the Badger pharmacy family. I invite you to explore the website and learn more about the School and our multiple important missions in research, teaching, service, outreach, and practice. You’ll find a stunning array of faculty expertise, research and graduate programs of enormous impact, an absolutely first-rate PharmD program, and so much more, all built on a tradition of excellence.
That tradition is very long indeed. The School celebrated its 135th anniversary in 2018, a wonderful opportunity to honor the successes of the past and present and to strive toward new levels of preeminence in the future. Our past is full of “firsts” for pharmacy in the US. The University of Wisconsin–Madison offered:
- the first BS program in pharmacy;
- the first PhD program both in pharmacy and in pharmaceutical sciences;
- the first graduate programs in pharmacy administration, the history of pharmacy, and social studies in pharmacy.
We continue to build on those “firsts” with innovation, creativity, and a true sense of discovery, all aimed, in one way or another, at improving the health and life of the people of Wisconsin and beyond.
Whether you are a curious visitor, a prospective student, a potential new faculty member, or a proud alum, I encourage you to explore the website or visit us in person in our beautiful home, Rennebohm Hall. The door is always open.
The momentum is building! I invite you to travel with us into our very bright future.
Steve Swanson
Dean, School of Pharmacy