Associate Professor (CHS), Pharmacy Practice Division
Associate Dean for Student and Alumni Affairs
Student affairs and alumni relations is a priceless partnership. Developing and maintaining relationships with alums allows our school to preserve traditions, celebrate our brand, and cultivate volunteers for various activities. The strength and success of the School of Pharmacy can be attributed to highly engaged alumni. Students greatly benefit from engaged alumni; alums become powerful role models and mentors in the development and socialization of professional and graduate students. However, most offices of student affairs collaborate with alums independent of alumni associations. In my opinion, this lack of coordination potentially inhibits connecting with a majority of alums and delays engaging students in philanthropy until after graduation. Alumni have so much to teach students about engagement and philanthropy so when the opportunity came for me to combine these two responsibilities, I enthusiastically said “yes!”
As the Associate Dean for Student and Alumni Affairs, my goal is to connect students with alumni and friends of the School in meaningful ways. I realize that some may equate philanthropy with financial giving. My definition is much broader: philanthropy is the giving of your time, talent, and treasure. While giving your treasure (a monetary donation) is a time-honored way to support the school, giving your time and talent is equally encouraged and valued. Donating your time to interview student candidates, speak on a practitioner panel at Career Development Day, or share career advice with a student is appreciated. Offering to mentor a student, allowing a student to shadow you at work, or serving as an advisor to a student organization are examples of donating your professional training and leadership (talent). These important engagement activities enhance student growth, set an example for students to follow before graduation, and build a stronger School of Pharmacy community.
I would love to find ways for you to give our PharmTox, PharmD, and graduate students your time, talent and treasure. Treasure can be donated to the Student Success and Support Fund through UW Foundation to help finance student professional activities like the White Coat and Pinning Ceremonies. To begin donating your time and talent, I invite you to contact me at karen.kopacek@wisc.edu There are multiple student organizations looking for guest speakers or volunteers for community health screenings. We are always in need of participants in the many activities organized through the Student and Academic Affairs Office. You can also engage students through our LinkedIn group—“UW-Madison School of Pharmacy Students and Alumni” and Badger Bridge. I look forward to meeting more alumni and finding new ways to strengthen our pharmacy community.
On, Wisconsin!