Fall seems to finally be setting in and we’re wrapping up another successful year for the Pharmacy Alumni Association. We’ve now had a full year of being an organization which includes all alums as of the day of graduation, we’ve partnered with WSPS to co-sponsor our annual golf outing (a relationship we hope to continue), and I was fortunate to be asked to participate in the first annual BADGERx Bash to foster engagement of students and alumni with the school. We also had the pleasure to recognize a couple of great alums at the PSW annual meeting, where Kate Gainer was recognized as our Young Alumnus of the Year and David Zilz as our Alumnus of the Year. Congratulations to both on serving our profession with distinction.
Looking forward, in the coming year PAA will be continuing efforts to provide opportunities for engagement between students and alumni and opportunities to support our scholarship raising efforts. Mark your calendars (and start rounding up your foursomes) for the 2017 golf outing at University Ridge on June 16th, which is a great opportunity to reconnect with other alums and support our students! We’ve also recently launched a Facebook page. Please stop by and “Like Us” at “Pharmacy Alumni Association” to keep up on alumni and school of pharmacy news and events. Thank you to all of you, for all that you do every day to show the world what Badger pharmacists are capable of and making this the best State to train in and practice pharmacy in the country. Keep up the great work, stay plugged in, and On, Wisconsin!
Ryan Miller
PAA President