University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Approved PharmD Prerequisites

Last updated: 8/2023

Prerequisite Requirement Approved Courses
Calculus 1 course MATH 1142
MATH 1211 & 1221
MATH 1241
MATH 1271
MATH 1371
MATH 1571H
General Chemistry I 1 course and lab CHEM 1021
CHEM 1061 & 1065
CHEM 1071H & 1075H
CHEM 1081
General Chemistry II 1 course and lab CHEM 1022
CHEM 1062 & 1066
CHEM 1072H & 1076H
CHEM 1082, 1086 & labs
Organic Chemistry I 1 course and lab CHEM 2301
CHEM 2331H
Organic Chemistry II 1 course and lab CHEM 2302 & 2311
CHEM 2332H & 2312H
CHEM 1081, 1082, 1086 & labs satisfy gen and org chem
General Biology I 1 course and lab BIOL 1009
BIOL 1951 & 1961
BIOL 2002, 2003 & 3004
General Biology II
or Advanced Biology 5
1 course BIOC 3021
BIOC 3022
BIOL 4003
BIOL 4004
Microbiology 1 course FScN 1021
FScN 2021
MICB 3301
MICB 3303
MICB 5205
VBS 2032
Human or Comparative
1 course ANSC 3301
BIOL 3211
PHAR 3601
PHSL 3050
PHSL 3051
PHSL 3061
PHSL 3063
General Physics 1 course PHYS 1101W
PHYS 1107
PHYS 1201W
PHYS 1221
PHYS 1301W
PHYS 1401V
Statistics 1 course STAT 3011
STAT 3021
BIOL 3272
ANSC 3011
EPSY 3264
NURS 3710
SCO 2550
SOC 3811
PSTL 1004
PSY 2801
PSY 3801
English Composition / Written Communication 1 course or U.S. bachelor’s degree WRIT 1401
WRIT 3029W
WRIT 3108
WRIT 3152W
WRIT 3405W
WRIT 3562V
WRIT 3562W
WRIT 4664W
General Elective Coursework in Social Science, Communication, Humanities, Foreign Language, or Diversity Studies 4 courses (12 credits minimum)
or U.S. bachelor’s degree
General Elective Coursework in Social Science, Communication, Humanities, Foreign Language, or Diversity Studies
Additional Elective Coursework 72 total credits of college-level coursework required Additional Coursework

* Advanced Biology includes biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, or molecular biology.