Yen-Ming Huang, a graduate student working under the guidance of Olayinka Shiyanbola, assistant professor in the Social and Administrative Sciences Division, was awarded a 2017 Phi Tau Phi (PTP) Mid America Scholarship from the PTP Scholastic Society of America. The scholarship was established to recognize the achievements of outstanding full-time students of Chinese descent who are enrolled in either an undergraduate or a graduate program at a four-year college or university in the United States.
Huang was among many considered in the competitive application process. The selection committee specified Huang’s GPA, academic focus in the psychosocial factors associated with a patient’s medication behaviors, and his academic scholarship as factors in choosing him for the award.
Yen-Ming’s current research focuses on patient perception, attitude, and behaviors towards medications adherence. His goal is to tailor current pharmaceutical services of patient care to improve patients’ medication adherence as well as their health outcomes. Understanding which psychosocial factors may influence patients’ decision of medication-taking and self-care may give healthcare providers with relevant information to offer appropriate interventions for improved patients’ outcomes.
Huang’s previous research focused on the role of health literacy and self-efficacy on medication adherence and glycemic control of patients with type 2 diabetes. He also participated in the project of the refinement of prescription warning labels from patient and pharmacist perspectives.
He received a BS degree in pharmacy and a MS degree in clinical pharmacy from National Taiwan University. Before returning to graduate school, he practiced in community and hospital pharmacies. Since 2009, he has served as adjunct lecturer at the Graduate Institute of Clinical Pharmacy in National Taiwan University.
The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society was founded by American professor Joseph H. Ehlers in 1921 in Pei Yang University, China. The Society aims to encourage scholarship, stimulate research, reward scholastic achievement, and form bonds of intellectual and professional fellowship. Phi Tau Phi stands for Philosophia, Technologia, and Physiologia, which collectively represent all disciplines of learning.
The PTP Scholastic Honor Society of Mid-America Chapter covers students in the Midwest states. In addition to a monetary award, Huang is invited to attend the 2017 Phi Tau Phi Annual Meeting in Chicago in September.