Welcome to a new semester! The winter break provides respite from the classroom, time with family and friends, and the opportunity to renew your enthusiasm for the traditionally fast-paced, spring semester.
Since we last connected, we welcomed new faculty Professor Seungpyo Hong and Assistant Professor Jun Dai to the Pharmaceuticals Sciences Division. Brett Kelly joined DPPD as a clinical assistant professor. In contrast, we celebrated the retirements of Alan Hanson, Division of Pharmacy Professional Development, John Scarborough, Social and Administrative Sciences Division, and Richard Peterson, Pharmaceutical Sciences Division.
From the student side, our Admissions Committee continues their efforts to attract the best and brightest to consider our great school Thus far we have extended an offer to attend to 109 individuals of the estimated class of 140-150 who will begin in fall 2017. Two remaining interview sessions are slated for February and March.
From meeting with our legislators at the annual PSW Legislative Day, connecting with alumni at the APhA conference, taking in a lecture series, or celebrating the successful completion of their first year at the White Coat Ceremony, the spring semester offers ample opportunities for students, alumni, faculty, and staff to engage with your pharmacy family. I invite you to check the calendar at the bottom of the newsletter and pencil in a few dates!
On, Wisconsin!
Steven M. Swanson, Dean