Barry Gidal, professor (CHS) and Chair, Pharmacy Practice Division, presented a plenary session at an international epilepsy conference held in Cuba. Entitled “Advances in the Treatment of Epilepsy: Does Mechanism of Action matter?,” Gidal’s presentation reviewed the basic neuropharmacological basis for the pharmacotherapy of focal seizures, as well as a discussion of the recent additions to therapeutic methods. This multidisciplinary conference drew worldwide attendance with faculty from Europe, and the United States with experts addressing the epidemiology of epilepsy and childhood headache, new intervention strategies of epilepsies, autistic spectrum disorders, and inborn metabolic errors as a source of seizures in early ages. In addition, attendees learned about the analysis of a variety of neurological diseases from the clinical, neurophysiological, neuropsychological, and neuropathological points of view. The Santiago de Cuba chapter of the Cuban Society of Neurology and Neurosurgery hosted the conference in Santiago de Cuba from November 8-10, 2016. Gidal has a clinical practice focusing on the pharmaceutical care to patients with epilepsy. His research interests are pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and the metabolic effects of anticonvulsant medications.