Michael Taylor, assistant professor in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Division, was among only a dozen winners of the 2016 Cool Science Image Contest. Taylor’s image is a micrograph of the brain vasculature of a zebrafish larva. Taylor has received previous recognition for his amazing science images—including 1st place in the Nikon Small World 2012 Photomicrography Competition and images highlighted on “The Cell Picture Show,” a showcase of striking images in cell, developmental, and molecular biology. Now in its sixth year, the Cool Science Image contest is intended to recognize the technical and creative skills required to capture images or video that document science or nature. The contest is sponsored by Madison’s Promega Corp. with additional support from DoIT Digital Publishing and Printing Services. Michael Taylor joined the School of Pharmacy in 2014 and his research focus includes modeling blood-CNS barriers in zebrafish, developing new strategies for drug delivery to the brain, and understanding the regulation of multidrug resistance transporters.