The 58th Annual June Land O’Lakes (LOL) Research and Development Conference will be a tribute to the groundbreaking work of University of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy Emeritus Dean and Professor George Zografi in the areas of amorphous drugs and amorphous solid dispersions.
Professor Zografi will open the June LOL Conference with a keynote presentation titled “New Directions in Pharmaceutical Amorphous Solids and Amorphous Dispersions: Some Historical Perspective and Looking Ahead.” In this address, Zografi will present his views on the work from his laboratory that has shaped countless scientists and projects over the years. Other speakers from the pharmaceutical industry, academia and regulatory agencies will then present new and innovative areas of amorphous drug substance and amorphous solid dispersion understanding and development. Professor Zografi and Mark Sacchetti, Scientific Director for the Zeeh Pharmaceutical Experiment Station at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Pharmacy, will present a special pre-conference workshop on June 6 that will focus on “Water Sorption of Pharmaceutical Materials – The Teachings and Research of Professor George Zografi.” Plan now to attend the June 6-9 conference to be held in Madison, Wis. and join colleagues in this opportunity to pay tribute to Professor Zografi’s research. Complete program information is available on the Division of Pharmacy Professional Development website. Alternatively you can send an email to cemail@pharmacy.wisc.edu or call us at (608) 262-3130.