The state of Wisconsin, through investments made over the course of 167 years, has given us a university out of proportion to anything we could have imagined. For 132 years, the School of Pharmacy has shared that pioneering spirit and tenacious leadership.
Perhaps you’ve heard the news—after a two-year “quiet phase” that brought transformative gifts from visionary donors, UW-Madison’s most ambitious comprehensive fundraising campaign, “ALL WAYS FORWARD,” officially kicked off in October. At the launch event, Chancellor Rebecca Blank outlined the campaign’s four main priorities: supporting faculty excellence; providing student support; improving the educational experience of our students; and supporting research and innovation.
From the first classes held at South Hall in 1883 to the founding of the Pharmaceutical Experiment Station in 1913, a priority initiative for the School of Pharmacy has “ALL WAYS” been enhancing quality of life through improved health. That’s what drives the School of Pharmacy. And it’s why the school is considered a world-class leader in pharmacy education, research, and service in the pharmaceutical, social, and clinical sciences. But keeping the school strong will take the help and support of alumni and friends.
By making a gift to the School of Pharmacy Annual Fund, you’ll make a real difference by helping to educate future pharmacists and scientists. That’s because contributions — no matter the size — will help the school remain a world leader in pharmacy education.
Thank you and ALL WAYS FORWARD!
Adam J. Kindschy
Director of Development
UW-Madison School of Pharmacy
Telephone: (608) 630- 2649