The school’s collaboration with St. Vincent de Paul on the opening of a charitable pharmacy in Madison was among topics discussed in an interview with Ralph Middlecamp, Executive Director of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and Dr. Michael Thio, the International President General of St. Vincent de Paul, during an interview on For the Record, a locally-produced program by WISC-TV, Channel 3 in Madison, Wis.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul opened the state’s first stand-alone charitable pharmacy in Madison in spring 2013. The University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Pharmacy was involved in the planning and start-up phase of the pharmacy and will have growing involvement over time. Yolanda Tolson, RPh, is the managing pharmacist and oversees day-to-day operations. Faculty from the School’s Pharmacy Practice Division, Eva Vivian, associate professor (CHS), Joe Zorek, assistant professor (CHS), and Beth Martin, associate professor (CHS), have been involved since the project conception, current, and future initiatives.
Pharmacists, technicians, health care professionals, and community members who embrace this effort are invited to contribute to this unique mission. To volunteer or learn more, email Yolanda Tolson, RPh, at yolanda@svdpmadison.org or call (608) 442-7200, ext. 424.