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Advisory Board Policy
PEARLRx Advisory Board Policy
Purpose of the PearlRx Advisory Board:
To provide strategic direction for the PearlRx network, guidance on policies and procedures, and advice on relevant issues as they arise.
Advisory Board Appointments:
All Advisory Board members will be invited and appointed by the PearlRx Coordinating Committee. Service terms are for two years beginning July 1st and ending June 30th of each year.
Invitations to continue Advisory Board appointments will be sent by June 1st of each year for members whose terms are ending. Nominations to replace outgoing members will be collected at the following Advisory Board Meeting.
General Expectations of the PearlRx Advisory Board:
- A minimum two year commitment to serving PearlRx
- Attend semiannual Advisory Board meetings
- Review draft documents, project updates, and summaries as needed and provide comments
- Share expertise
- Assist with PearlRx strategic planning
- Receive notification of approved PearlRx projects
Composition of the PearlRx Advisory Board:
The Advisory Board will consist of approximately 8-10 individuals and must include at least one representative from each of the following areas:
- The Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin – Madison School of Pharmacy and the Sonderegger Research Center
- Concordia School of Pharmacy
- The Medical College of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy
- Pharmacy practice leaders (up to four)
Date First Approved: 7/20/18
Dates Reviewed (no changes): 7/26/24
Dates Revised: 7/9/20, 6/29/22
Coordinating Committee Policy
PEARLRx Coordinating Committee Policy
Purpose of the PearlRx Coordinating Committee
To coordinate the conduct of the PearlRx network by providing administrative and logistical support, reviewing and approving projects for collaboration, and facilitating communication between researchers and PearlRx members.
Coordinating Committee Membership
The PearlRx Coordinating Committee is comprised of one staff from the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin and two faculty/staff from the University of Wisconsin – Madison Sonderegger Research Center.
General Expectations of the Coordinating Committee
- Participate in project approval
- Provide administrative and logistical support for the Advisory Board
- Serve as advocates for PearlRx
- Review policies and procedures biannually
- See PearlRx policies for detailed responsibilities regarding project selection and approval, communication, enrolling members, and publication/presentation
Date First Approved: 7/20/18
Dates Reviewed (no changes): 7/26/24
Dates Revised: 7/9/20, 6/29/22
Member Policy
PEARLRx Member Policy
Purpose of the PearlRx Member Policy
To describe the PearlRx enrollment process and what members can expect from participation.
- Pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and student pharmacists can join PearlRx by
updating their online profile on the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin website or
contacting the PearlRx Program Administrator. - PearlRx membership status will be maintained in an electronic database by the
Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin and the Sonderegger Research Center. - Members are not required to be Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin members to join
PearlRx, but some research opportunities may be limited to specific pharmacist or
pharmacy characteristics (e.g., WPQC certified, inpatient pharmacists, etc.). - No research background or credentials are required to join PearlRx.
- No additional fee is required to join PearlRx.
- Members will receive a PearlRx newsletter email no more frequently than every 2 weeks
describing project opportunities and/or network updates. - There is no minimum participation requirement.
- Members may discontinue membership in PearlRx by contacting the PearlRx Program
Administrator or updating their online profile on the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin
Use of Information
The Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin will provide updated demographic information for active
PearlRx members to the Sonderegger Research Center up to four times each year. Demographic
information of individual members will be kept confidential by the Sonderegger Research
Center. Aggregate, de‐identified demographic information may be used to describe the
membership of the network publicly and in communication with researchers. Contact
information of PearlRx members will be used to solicit participation in research projects that
have been approved by the PearlRx Coordinating Committee.
Date First Approved: 5/13/19
Dates Reviewed (no changes):
Dates Revised: 6/30/21, 7/19/23
Project Selection and Approval Policy
PEARLRx Project Selection and Approval Policy
Purpose of the Project Selection and Approval Policy
To describe the process for researchers to collaborate with PearlRx on research projects and the responsibilities of the PearlRx Coordinating Committee in this process.
Process for Collaborating with PearlRx on Project Ideas
- All project ideas must be submitted by the project’s principal investigator (or designee) to a designated member of the PearlRx Coordinating Committee using the online Research Interest Form
( Minimum requirements for approvable projects are:- Supports the PearlRx mission
- Obtains institutional review board approval or is exempt (copy required before project is distributed in newsletter)
- Can fund the PearlRx network fee and minimum compensation for participants
- Incorporates equity into the design of research (i.e., how does the project recognize or address health disparities for under-represented racial and ethnic identities, less privileged socioeconomic status, underserved rural populations, sexual and gender minorities, people with disabilities or special health needs, etc.)
- Is able to incorporate required grant language in project publications
- The PearlRx Coordinating Committee will review submitted project ideas for the minimum requirements and the potential to be successfully carried out with the resources available. Clarifying information may be requested. The researcher will be notified within 14 days if the project will continue to the next step for approval or is declined.
- A designated member of the PearlRx Coordinating Committee will solicit feedback from PearlRx stakeholder review members. Feedback will be due within 14 days. The PearlRx Coordinating Committee will review the feedback and notify the researcher if the project is approved without changes, approved with changes, or is declined.
- Upon project approval, a designated member of the PearlRx Coordinating Committee will meet with the researcher to determine next steps (e.g., timeline, newsletter content, etc.).
Date First Approved: 5/13/19
Dates Reviewed (no changes):
Dates Revised: 11/18/19; 6/30/21; 2/21/23, 1/13/25 (update to match qualtrics)
Communication Policy
PEARLRx Communication Policy
Purpose of the PearlRx Communication Policy:
To describe how communication is facilitated among PearlRx members, researchers, and PearlRx administrators.
- All PearlRx communications to potential and existing PearlRx members will occur via one of the following methods:
- Communication via Fast Facts email newsletter: In collaboration with and approval from Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin for purposes approved by the PearlRx Coordinating Committee
- Communication via direct email newsletter: Distributed by the PearlRx Program Administrator for the purpose of welcoming new members and disseminating project-specific information and research-related resources to existing PearlRx members.
- Communication via mail: Distributed by the PearlRx Program Administrator for the purpose of welcoming new members and disseminating project-specific information and research-related resources to existing PearlRx members.
- PearlRx newsletter emails with project opportunities and network updates will be sent to PearlRx members no more frequently than every 2 weeks.
- Researchers are not permitted to contact PearlRx members directly.
- PearlRx communication may occur at both the Annual Meeting and the Educational Conference held by the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin. These communications may include but are not limited to: dissemination of research results from PearlRx projects, updates on PearlRx research in progress, and training for upcoming PearlRx research.
- The Sonderegger Research Center will maintain the PearlRx website.
- The Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin will provide a link to the PearlRx website.
Date First Approved: 5/13/19
Dates Reviewed (no changes):
Dates Revised: 7/9/20; 6/30/21; 1/12/22; 1/31/24
Publication and Presentation Policy
PEARLRx Publication and Presentation Policy
Purpose of the Publication and Presentation Policy
To describe the expectations for researchers, PearlRx members, and PearlRx administrators regarding publishing and presenting research findings from PearlRx projects.
Publication and Presentation Expectations for Research Conducted in Collaboration with PearlRx
- The principal investigator of each project is responsible for ensuring that authorship and acknowledgments in the project’s publication follows the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals.” It is expected that all individuals who work closely on these projects will be authors on publications as long as these requirements are met.
- It is expected that all research conducted with PearlRx will ultimately be published in a scientific journal.
- Professional presentations (i.e., posters and podiums) may be prepared by the project team, with the principal investigator responsible for taking the lead and ensuring adequate communication related to roles and responsibilities for these presentations.
- The principal investigator or designee will provide the following to a member of the PearlRx Coordinating Committee:
- Semiannual update on project progress, to be shared with the PearlRx Advisory Board
- Summary of research findings with final citation, to be shared with PearlRx Advisory Board, PearlRx members, and the membership of the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin, as appropriate. Appropriately cited research findings may be shared with others to describe accomplishments of PearlRx.
- All publications resulting from research conducted with PearlRx must include the name “PearlRx” within the abstract when possible. In the description of study sites and/or methods, papers/abstracts/posters/oral presentations must describe that the research was conducted with the Pharmacy Practice Enhancement and Action Research Link (PearlRx) of Wisconsin and acknowledge support (see example text below). Authors may only list specific study sites with permission of the pharmacy owner/manager or other appropriate individual with authority to grant permission.
Example Text:
“This study was conducted in collaboration with the Pharmacy Practice Enhancement and Action Research Link (PearlRx) of Wisconsin, a statewide pharmacist practice-based research network which is supported by University of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy and the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin.”
Date First Approved: 11/18/19
Dates Reviewed (no changes):
Dates Revised: 1/12/22, 9/9/22 (grant statement only), 1/13/25 (funding information)